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K9 Group Networking Classes

Punch Cards! 10 Punches = FREE Tier one!

Our K9 Networking classes are group sessions, available weekly, for former Outlander K9 clients. These classes are designed to keep you and your dog on the pathway to success. Training courses don't last forever and even though my goal is to have you learn how to handle your dog in every situation; Everyone, including your dogs learns at different stages. Depending on the behavior at hand, or the exercises you've been practicing on with your dog; There are three tiers of refreshers you can choose from.This course gives everyone, no matter where you're at in your training, just want you need, with the three training tiers I created.

Tier 1- Two sessions. Some owners may need a little TLC on a behavior or just wanting some distractions.

Tier 2- Four sessions. Some owners may want a little more than two lessons or could be working with a bigger behavior that is needing extra time.

Tier 3- Six sessions. Certain dog behaviors are hard to overcome due to the emotional freeze up, some owners have gone through. This tier gives you that extra time to work on your skills, because staying consistent helps you, just as much as it helps your dog.

If you sign up for tier 3, then you'll have two weeks off before you can sign up for more refreshers, if you're needing them. Being off for two weeks is like having homework. Our goal is to get you confident to handle your dog on your own. You will get weekly calls from the trainer who will check in on your progress.

Everyone, and their dogs need extra help every now and then, which is totally okay!

K9 Group Networking Classes: Services
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